What are the proceeds going towards?
When MSU student veterans face a mental health crisis, access to care and timing is crucial. When the MSU Veteran Services Office finds out we have a student in need of mental health counseling, our staff move immediately to remove all barriers to access. Our most effective strategy is to bring our students to Counseling & Psychological Services (CPS) on campus to meet with our dedicated mental health counselor. The funding to have a dedicated mental health professional on campus saves lives through timely, effective intervention.
The Help Center has been in Bozeman since 1971 and serves Gallatin and the surrounding 12 counties. They are available 24/7 (406-586-3333) to help anyone in crisis, suicidal or is concerned about someone in their life. They are a critical community resource, as a crisis can occur at any time. They are one of two crisis centers in the state that answers the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (1-800-273-TALK). Suicide is the 10th leading cause of death in the U.S. and Montana currently is #1 for suicide rates in the country.
Will food and drinks be available?
Yes. We will have dinner, breakfast, snacks, water and coffee available throughout.
How do I raise funds?
Visit our Fundraising Tips & Tools page for more information.
Where is the event taking place?
The event will take place on the MSU-Bozeman campus in Shroyer gym.
Where do I park?
Parking will be free. Specific areas to park will be communicated prior to the event.
What should I wear?
We encourage you to wear clothing and footwear you feel comfortable in when being active. The goal of the event is to engage in physical activity when you are there.
I have mobility limitations, can I participate?
Yes! Most of the activities can be modified and we will have a variety for you to choose from!
What do I need to bring?
We will have water bottles available, but would encourage you to bring a refillable bottle if you wish. If you plan to drink coffee, we encourage you to bring a reusable cup to reduce waste.
Can I come and go as I wish?
Yes. If you are part of a team, we encourage you to take shifts. If you are participating on your own, you may choose to participate for the whole event or a portion.
What will the event look like?
We will release a schedule of the activity classes prior to the event.
Can kids attend?
Yes! We invite everyone to attend. Children must be accompanied by adults and are not to be left at the event unattended.