Wendy Visscher,Help Center, Inc. Executive Director from 1975-2018
1996 |
The Sexual Assault Counseling Center opened. This program provides trauma-based medical, legal and personal advocacy, and on-going counseling/therapy to reduce the long term mental and physical health effects of sexual abuse. Staff Counselor-Advocates navigate interactions with law enforcement and the justice system from the presentation of abuse through the court case, increasing the survivor’s sense of safety right from the start.
2005 |
Montana 211 was implemented. 211 is a number set aside by the FCC as an easy-to-remember, universally recognizable number that connects people in need to available resources. Montana became part of the national 211 network. The Help Center program collaborates with four other Montana nonprofits to provide this phone service to 36 out of the 56 counties and connect all Montanans to community resources through Montana211.org.
2007 |
In 2007, the Help Center program also became part of the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (NSPL). An individual in our area calling the national 1-800-273-TALK number is was routed to our center to provide local assistance. To this day, we are one of two crisis centers in the state that answers this number, along with Voices of Hope in Great Falls.
2012 |
Help Center, Inc. merged with an established nonprofit, the Hearts & Homes Family Resource Center. Hearts and Homes began in 1990, providing support to foster parents and children who had been removed from their birth families. This program was welcomed to continue to meet the need of keeping families connected. They provide a variety of services including supervised visitations, parent coaching and education.
2015 |
The Gallatin County Child Advocacy Center opened. This program provides a child-friendly, safe and neutral location in which law enforcement Child Protective Service investigators may conduct interviews with children who are victims of abuse. This a multidisciplinary approach to the investigation, prosecution and treatment of child abuse, particularly sexual abuse. Families are also provided with counselor advocates and wrap-around services.