S Swimsuits cover private parts, which we call by their correct names P Private parts are only to be touched or seen by trusted grown-ups helping to keep your body clean and healthy with your permission. L Listen to lessons from trusted grown-ups about your safety. A Always tell a trusted grown-up if someone asks to see or shows you private parts. S Secrets and surprises are different. No one should ask you to keep a secret forever. H Hugs and kisses are your choice; remember that your body belongs to you and you can say “No”. |
♦ Abusers often become friendly with potential victims and their families, earning trust and gaining time alone with children. Observe your child with others, and listen to your gut. If you feel uncomfortable with the way an adult is interacting with your child, step in.
♦ Ask your babysitter for background checks, including criminal and child abuse/neglect checks. |
♦ Check that all of your child’s programs require background checks, personal interviews, and professional recommendations for all adults—including volunteers—who work with children.
♦ Monitor children's Internet and smartphone use. Offender's have been known to use the Internet to lure children into physical contact. |
All information drawn from The Face It® Movement, an initiative led by Kosair Charities in the state of Kentucky. For more information visit their website at https://faceitabuse.org