17 to ZERO: Communities engaging to end veteran suicide.
ATTENTION: Due to the public health risks associated with the Coronavirus, our 17 to ZERO in-person event on April 17th will be cancelled. However, it is more important than ever to keep the conversation about mental health, suicide and veteran well-being at the forefront. The combination of isolation, financial uncertainty, stress and anxiety has a real impact. We are excited to be moving our event online on April 17th for 17 hours of awareness for this important issue. Please watch for more details about how you can participate in the coming weeks! In these uncertain times, please remember to check-in on others and take care of yourselves.
We lose 17 veterans to suicide every day in the U.S. This event aims to bring awareness to this issue and honor those we have lost. Join us for a 17-Hour Activity-A-Thon to raise money for mental health and suicide prevention/intervention. All proceeds from the event will fund a portion of a Mental Health Counselor position for MSU student veterans and to the Help Center, our local nonprofit 24/7 crisis and suicide center (406-586-3333). Our goal is to raise $20,000. This event is a collaboration between, MSU Veteran Services, MSU Bobcat Athletics and the Help Center.
We will have a variety of activities for you to choose from including cycling, yoga, rowing, walking/running and more!
How to Participate:
We lose 17 veterans to suicide every day in the U.S. This event aims to bring awareness to this issue and honor those we have lost. Join us for a 17-Hour Activity-A-Thon to raise money for mental health and suicide prevention/intervention. All proceeds from the event will fund a portion of a Mental Health Counselor position for MSU student veterans and to the Help Center, our local nonprofit 24/7 crisis and suicide center (406-586-3333). Our goal is to raise $20,000. This event is a collaboration between, MSU Veteran Services, MSU Bobcat Athletics and the Help Center.
We will have a variety of activities for you to choose from including cycling, yoga, rowing, walking/running and more!
How to Participate:
NOTE: If you sign up, you are agreeing to be the "team captain" and will receive all event notifications. |
If you choose not to fund raise, that's ok! Come be a part of the event and help us bring awareness to this important issue. We will also be accepting donations at the event.
Can't attend but want to donate? Choose a team to donate to or donate to the event HERE.
Questions? Email Mandy at the Help Center at [email protected].